

Turino 2006 was quite the games. It was so exciting to watch the athletes compete for the last 17 days. Turino put together exceptional opening and closing ceremonies.

Mayor Sam Sullivan did an excellent job receiving the Olympic flag from the mayor of Turino for the handoff for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games.

The CBC again had oustanding coverage of the games. Iterestingly enough, they will again have the rights to the summer Olympic games in Beijing in 2008; however they will lose the rights to CTV for both the following games.

So with regards to the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, BC a new website I've come across for Canadian travel. It appears to be new but shows excellent promise and will provide great information as the site matures.


Home, Sweet Home...

My wife and I purchased a small condo, pre-construction, last winter and the unit should be ready this fall. That means that we will no longer be living in our lovely rented condo in Coal Harbour where we can't have any pets. But it also means that we will be living in a lovely area where we CAN have pets. So the countdown to being dog owners has commenced.

We've decided that we'ld like to a Keeshond also known as a dutch barge dog. They look much like a smaller, manlier husky. They're very social dogs and have a lot of hair.

We've already been looking for dog accessories and of course dog sweaters, dog coats, dog jackets, etc. I came accross this site for dog clothes.



I've added a Flickr sidebar to my Blog so you can check out photos I've taken. Some of them are all right, might be worth you looking. ;)

This picture is of fishing boats in Mazatlan right next to the Stone Island passenger ferry 'terminal'.

My Flickr Page



Well seeing as it's a new year and all and I've been into this whole "new year's resolutions" thing and been pretty good at, I might add, I've been focusing on improving my health.

I've been eating well, exercising, and trying to get more regular sleep.

Here's a diet website I came accross that provides some pretty good information with regard to the essentials of diet, weight loss, and healthy living AND they even had a link to some great soy products from Revival Soy for a really good price.