
Zimbabwe May Have Hope

Originally uploaded by Zest-pk
What was once a leading Southern African nation known as Rhodesia has been driven into the ground for nearly thirty years by Robert Mugabe.

Zimbabwe, as it is now known, has suffered immensely under this man's iron grip. Currently the country has annual inflation rates of approximately 100,000%!!! Want to buy a newspaper? That'll cost a few MILLION!

This once beautiful nation used to be a tourist mecca of Southern Africa with many people visiting Victoria Falls and various game reserves every year. But years of internal strife have not been favourable to the country in general.

At last it seems that the tides maybe shifting and Mugabe's iron grip on the nation might be waning. Over 72 hours have passed since elections have taken place and results are still very slow to be declared. Opposition parties are warning Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party not to rig the results. From their own polls "the Movement of Democratic Change faction of Morgan Tsvangirai said he had won 50.3% of the presidential vote and Mr. Mugabe 43.8% according to its own tallies of results posted outside polling stations." (Quote from National Post Article)

Here's to hoping Mugabe will go quietly and allow this desperate nation another chance.


nathan said...

There still isn't any confirmation of anything in Zimbabwe. The election results have not come out and now the initial results are before a court which is considering making them public.

Militias have been sent throughout the country by Mugabe to watch over polling stations should a run-off election be required.

More from CNN.com.

nathan said...

Freakin' Mugabe is still trying to hold on.

But on a positive note, many nations who have long taken a passive stance against Mugabe's tyranny are starting to take a stand.

Recently a Chinese ship bound for land-locked Zimbabwe carrying munitions hasn't been permitted to unload it's cargo.

News from Canada.com.

nathan said...

It sounds like Mugabe may have finally... nearly one month after the initial vote... admitted defeat in the Zimbabwe elections.

News article here.

nathan said...

Still hangin' on, the 'Electoral Commission' has finally determined that President Mugabe lost the election but according to their tally he still managed the garner 43% of the popular vote and his chief opponent, Tsvangirai got 47%.

In Zimbabwe, since neither candidate has received greater than 50% a run-off election will have to be held.

Tsvangirai has called this result, more than 30 days after the initial election "scandalous daylight robbery."

More news can be found here.

nathan said...

The legal and voting shenanigans continue in Zimbabwe with Mugabe reportedly using food to ensure he gets the outcome he desires.

A country in ruin.

nathan said...

Looks like Mugabe may retain control as Tsvangirai is basically being forced to withdraw from the runoff election due to the brutally violent tactics of the dictator.

nathan said...

Mugabe has finally conceded 'some' of his power signing a power-sharing agreement with the opposition party, let by Tsvangirai.

Article here.