
My Top FREE iPhone Apps

So I've been iPhoning for a few months now and here are my top free iPhone apps in no particular order:

Photo by techburst.

BONUS. What's App? This was a free app until a couple of days ago, but still potentially worth the money. It's a push messenger service between iPhones that makes it very easy, and pretty, to communicate with your fellow iPhoners.

1. Around Me. Want to know more than just where the nearest coffee shop is? This app will tell you everything nearby including Apple retail stores, banks, restaurants, and much, much more.

2. Yellow Pages. That thing in the cupboard that you never use is actually quite useful in iPhone format. Easily find businesses using their name or category and location. Once you've found what your looking for with a click or two you can map their location or send the listing to a friend via email or text.

3. North Face Snow Report. The more you know. ;) So use this app to find out which of your fave's has gotten the most snow in the past 24hrs and which resorts are in the Global Top 10. Advanced features include WebCam access, Trail Maps, Tweets, and more.

4. Oakley Surf Report. Waves are fun. This will help you keep track of them.

5. Skype. The free calling you love from your computer also works from your iPhone. [Note: WiFi connection required... and certain notifications can end in-progress calls, so you may want to turn Notifications Off prior to a call.]

6. Flixster. Excellent Movie App. Tells you what's playing, where it's playing, when it's playing, etc. Also has trailers if you need a refresher on the movie. Movies coming to DVD are also provided here...

7. Kayak. Travel searching on the fly. You should also use this on your home computer when trying to find that perfect vacation for less. [If you're a Priceline fan there is a 'Negotiator' app too!]

8. Wikipedia. That oh so reliable source of information is also available on your iPhone. ;)

9. Converter. Everyone needs a good converter, pick any free one, they're all decent.

10. Words with Friends. Like Scrabble? This is a great free version that will allow you to play word games with friends, random opponents, the person next to you, etc. Look me up as 'sacrifice333'

BONUS. Dragon Dictation. This US Only iTunes Store app could be the best one on the list. It's currently FREE, but that probably won't last long, so jump on it! Dragon Dictation will allow you to dictate text messages, emails, and more with surprising accuracy. [Check this article out on how Canadians can access the US iTunes store.]


Karolis said...

Glad to know that i already got some of these apps. Skype is so awesome i used it everyday and since it's more popular here than any other messenger i think i'm gonna use it even more in the future.

nathan said...

Dragon Dictation now available on the Canadian iTunes store and is currently FREE... get it now without hassle or cost!